The Beard Of Saint Nicholas
Short content
You can offer this material as an independent activity to promote fine motor skills and writing skills. Practice the writing movements with these fun writing patterns in Saint Nicholas beard. Use a writing tray with sand, salt, flour or other material, a stick and place the head of Saint in it. Oops Saint Nicholas has lost his beard, can you draw it back? Draw a card with a pattern and let the beard hair wave. There are left to right or top to bottom patterns.
You can also attach the saint heads to the table and let the toddlers experiment with shaving cream. Give Saint Nicholas back his beard and trace the patterns in the foam with your fingers. You will also receive the vertical patterns on cutouts. Here you can practice the cutting skill. Cut the beard in nice patterns from bottom to top.
File content
11 pages including:
- 1 Saint head without beard
- 10 Writing pattern cards (5 per direction)
- 5 Cut exercises
Materials not included
Writing tray with sand + stick (